Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences Building

Universal Waste Management

Request universal waste pickup

Universal wastes are wastes that are commonly found in all facilities. Under Federal (40 CFR 273 subpart B) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) hazardous waste regulations, the following hazardous wastes can be managed as "Universal Wastes": batteries; certain pesticides; bulbs (lamps); and mercury containing equipment. Mercury containing equipment is a device that contains elemental mercury in order to function.

The following items are examples of universal wastes:

  1. Batteries
    • Mercury
    • Lead
    • Silver
    • Cadmium
    • Lithium
  2. Lamps
    • Fluorescent
    • High-intensity discharge
    • Mercury vapor (germicidal bulbs, horticultural grow lamps)
    • Sodium lamps
      • If the lamp is broken it is considered hazardous waste
  3. Mercury Containing Devices (MCDs)
    • Heating and air conditioning thermostat
    • Tilt switches (used in light switches)
    • Pressure gauges
    • Thermometers, manometers
  4. Pesticides
    • Suspended or canceled
    • Recalled

The most common Universal Wastes on campus are batteries and lamps. Spent batteries and lamps should be kept intact for disposal. If you have any questions regarding what is considered Universal Waste or how to properly dispose of something please feel free to contact Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S).

EH&S staff oversees the Universal Waste Management Program for Florida Tech. Success of this Program depends on the efforts of faculty, staff and students following established procedures to safeguard other personnel and environmental health.

Note: Please use the information provided in the right pane to educate yourself on the proper management of your waste. Incorrect disposal can run the risk of cross contamination of waste; hazardous/biomedical exposure of unknowns that may be disposed of such as medical sharps or other items that could harm personnel's health.