Training Opportunities

Contracted cadets have the opportunity to complete exciting training experiences at installations throughout the United States and at several overseas locations alongside cadets from programs around the country.  Because these training opportunities are not mandatory, slots for additional training are highly competitive across all ROTC programs, and they represent an opportunity for cadets to measure themselves against the best that the nation has to offer!

Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT)

CTLT places ROTC cadets in the position of Platoon Leader in active Army units across the world. The Panther Battalion has an excellent track record for getting highly sought after CTLT slots for its cadets. Cadets can seek CTLT positions to train as a Platoon Leader in any branch of the Army they are interested in. In past summers, we have sent cadets to train with active army units in such places as: Ft Hood TX, Ft Irwin CA, Ft Carson CO, Korea and Italy .

Culture and Language Incentive Program (CLIP)

  • ROTC Cadets who take one of the approved foreign languages or a related cultural study may earn $250 a credit hour up to $3,000
    • Course must be reflected on your transcript with a “C” or better.
  • Language Scholarships
    • Based on Foreign Language List.
  • Study Abroad
    • Usually for one semester in a strategic cultural region.
    • Pays up to $6K travel if approved culture/language.

Airborne School

Held in Ft. Benning , GA , cadets learn how to parachute out of airplanes. Upon completion, cadets are awarded the Army Parachutist Badge and are forever a paratrooper. Airborne!

Air Assault School

This school teaches cadets how to rappel from and sling load helicopters. The two-week course is held all over the country. Recently one of our cadets traveled to Hawaii to earn his Air Assault wings.

Other Training Opportunities

The Panther Battalion also sends its cadets to Mountain Warfare Training in Vermont , Northern Warfare Training in Ft. Greely, Alaska and Combat Survival Training in Colorado Springs, CO.